Concept of Vihara in Ayurveda

Vihara in simple meaning 'lifestyle' refers to the day to day life activities that are influencing which consists with one’s behavior, diet, living environment, everyday habits. At today’s world people face many diseases such as diabetes, obesity etc.. due to lack of maintaining a proper lifestyle. It is important that you maintain a healthy vihara (lifestyle) in order to achieve an optimum health.

In Ayurveda the concept of vihara is discussed with main practices as follows.

Ø  The Daily Regime (Dinacharya) - This is the lifestyle pattern of daily routine activities promoting self-care with nature and the biological cycle. Dinacharya includes activities such as wakeup in early morning, removing natural wastes, brushing teeth, bathing, doing exercises, clothing etc..

Ø  The Seasonal Regime (Ritucharya) - As per Ayurveda, the doshas are connected with the seasons of nature and it affects the health. For example, in the winter there is a high chance to get cold or cough. So according to nature or climate the lifestyle and the diets should be changed.

Ø  The Sleep (Nidra) - Being so busy throughout the day a good sleep is required to refresh and sustain mind. A quality sleep improves your mental as well as the overall health.

Ø  Yoga and meditation - Yoga provides harmony by calming mind, body and spirit. This improves body immunity and to overcome diseases as well. Meditation provides positive effects to balance the mind.

Ø  The code of good conduct (Sadvritta) - Sadvritta is behaving good. To have a healthy living you should be honest, be patient, speak truth only, do not harm others, not be jealous, avoid being greedy, should have morals and practice other good behaviors in life.


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