Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda is a form of holistic medicine that's focused on promoting balance between your body and mind. According to Ayurveda, five elements make up the universe. That is vayu (air), Jala (water), Akash (space), Teja (fire) and Prithvi (Earth). These elements are believed to form three different doshas, which defines as the energy that is circulating within your body. Each dosha is responsible for specific physiological functions. As example, the pitta dosha controls hunger, thirst and body temperature, Vatha dosha maintains electrolyte balance and movement where else, Kapha dosha promotes joint function. The Ayurvedic diet helps the balancing between all three doshas. 

Ayurveda diet is an eating pattern that comes from a thousands of years based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine. This balances the different types of energy inside your body ensuring your health improved. Ayurvedic diet provides personalized recommendations about which foods to eat and avoid based on your body type. It is said that Ayurvedic food has the ability of promoting health for your body and also your mind. Ayurvedic diet plan depends upon your dosha or the body type. 


Pitta (Fire + Water) - Intelligent, Hard working, Decisive

This Dosha generally has a medium physical build, short temper and may suffer from conditions like indigestion, heart disease or high blood pressure. Therefore focused food for pitta would be on cooling, energizing foods and limits spices, nuts and seeds.

Vata (Air + Space) - Creative, Energetic, Lively

People with this dosha are usually thin with a light frame and may struggle with digestive issues, fatigue or anxiety when out of balance. Vata dosha focuses on warm, moist and grounding foods while restricting dried fruits, bitter herbs and raw veggies. 

Kapha (Earth + Water) - Naturally calm, Grounded, Loyal

Those with a kapha dosha often have a sturdier frame and may have issues with weight gain, asthma, depression or diabetes. Kapha dosha limits heavy foods like nuts, seeds, oils in favor of fruits, veggies and legumes.

Ayurveda diet encourages whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. These foods are enriched with essential nutrients. Hence it helps to protect against chronic diseases and promotes better health. Another benefit of Ayurveda diet is promoting weight loss. The nutritious whole food of Ayurveda will boost weight loss. Further the Ayurveda diet promotes mindfulness. This means paying a close attention on how you feel in present. The mindful eating emphasizes minimizing distractions during meals to focus on the taste, texture and smell of your food. This enhances the self control and healthy relationship with food.  


Nature Lanka is pure Ayurvedic Health Resort and practices authentic Ayurveda treatments and we have medical consultation, dosha analysis and personalized program and individual meals. Our doctor panel will analyze dosha of every guest. After that they decide individual Ayurveda diet for every guests. It is a very important part in Ayurveda treatments at Nature Lanka. Also this Ayurveda diet is used significantly for the weight loss program in our resort.

Contact Us - 

Address          : Nature Lanka Ayurvedic Health Resort, Kahandamodara, Ranna, Tangalle, Sri Lanka
Whatsapp No : 0094 - 773 548249 / 0094 - 776 501768
Email             : natureayurveda@gmail.com / inquiries@naturelankaresort.com
Website          : www.naturelankaresort.com 


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